Association des résidents de Morzine
The "Association des Résidents de Morzine" also known as A.R.M. brings together families and individuals who own a second home in Morzine or in a nearby town
A.R.M.'s main objectives are to :
- Enable residents to meet and get to know each other:
Nordic walks and hikes, walks, cultural outings, tournaments (tennis, golf, bridge, scrabble, etc.), as well as Christmas and summer get-togethers, are all geared to good humor and conviviality. The association also encourages members to get together on their own initiative, and the forum on the A.R.M. website is one way of doing this.
- Taking an active part in Morzine life:
The Board of the A.R.M. meets regularly with the Mayor, members of the Municipal Council and the Tourist Office; the Association thus gives its opinion and its proposals in the management and municipal decisions involving the future of the commune.
- Defending residents' interests:
The A.R.M. has been campaigning for many years for Morzinois residents and permanent residents to have equal conditions for the use of facilities (ski lifts, swimming pool, etc.).
- Keeping residents informed:
The association's newsletter, published and now digitized on the association's website, and the various sections of the website keep A.R.M. members informed of the association's life and activities, as well as the events and decisions that shape Morzine life. In addition, the website is structured to be the focal point for the dissemination of information not only between the association's Board and members (and vice versa), but also between members via a forum.
For any further information, please contact one of the A.R.M. managers listed in the "Board of Directors" section, or browse the various pages of this site, where you'll find the range of activities we offer, the latest information on the A.R.M. and Morzine, and several sections reserved for consultation by members (the association directory, activity registrations, etc.).
Don't hesitate to come and join us. The more residents the A.R.M. brings together, the more effective and interesting its actions will be for everyone. We currently have almost 300 member families, although Morzine is home to over 2,000 second homes. So there's still room for growth! Join ARM by filling in the membership form on the website.